Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vancouver Street Battle 2 Tournament Videos

This is actually 2 months ago, and it FINALLY got uploaded :). Thought I would wanna share some of the players in my scene, enjoy.

I will post up an Evil Ryu write up shortly. Been very busy with work and life....sorry for not updating my blog @@


  1. dude, you're such a beast. that Gief was actually really good. so, what's the next tourney you'll be attending?

  2. Congratulations on getting sponsored, you deserve it.

  3. Air you were beasting no doubt.

    question.. what made you drop fadc>ultra that last Gief video at 5:35 twice in row! and it was in the 'comfortable right side' (lol, at least for me.. right side is easier)

    yeah, i'd like to know. still just like the cometary said it happens to the best in the business
